Squeeze Packers

Retrievable Squeeze packer is a compression set packer with hydraulic hold down that is provide additional dependability even in rough service conditions. The Hydraulically actuated upper dies, ensure that the packer does not move up during operation

It is ideally suited for any acid stimulation, cement squeeze job which can be run in tandem with a Retrievable Bridge Plug for isolating and treating each interval separately.

The Packer can be set and retrieved by application of 1/4 LH turn at the tool.

Retrievable Squeeze Packer Features

  • 1/4 turn to set and retrieve set
  • Double Grip
  • Recessed slips prevent debris built up over them

Retrievable Squeeze Packer Benefits

  • Specifically, designed hold down for uniform distribution of load into the host casing
  • Wide range of sizes
  • High Torque rating

Retrievable Squeeze Packer Applications

  • High Temperature and Pressure testing and treating applications
  • Storm packer applications
  • Drill Stem and production string testing

Available in sizes for various casing sizes for their respective weight ranges with varying standard or exotic material and elastomers based on compatibility with the well environment and application requirement. In addition, packers are furnished with different end connections (Standard API EUE or NUE or premium), to meet customer’s requirements.