“Where Innovative Solutions Meet Demand”

During the recent shale revolution especially in the last two decades, the United States of America has become the #1 crude oil producer in the world owing to the great implementation of horizontal drilling and massive hydraulic fracturing. Up to date, most of the hydraulic fracturing operation were enabled through the most adapted completion technology called Plug & Perf. For each of the frac stage, it will involve one frac plug to be used for zonal isolation from the former completed stage and frac fluids are pumped through the perf clusters during fracturing operation. Our products are focused on helping our client to increase the efficiency and efficacy of such Plug & Perf completion in the following categories:

  • Dissolvable Magnesium Alloys for next generation dissolvable frac plugs, frac balls and frac sleeves etc
  • Degradable Sealing Elements for both high temp and low temp applications
  • Degradable NWB and FF Diverters for greatly increasing the SRV
  • High Viscosity Friction Reducers systems for enhancing the sand transport through perfs

Well Construction Product Solutions


TRS Rental and Services

Well Completion Product Solutions

Dissolvable Frac Solutions

Composite Frac Solutions

Frac Chemicals

LIner Hanger System



Five Star Downhole Service Inc. offers consulting on R&D as well as commercialization of downhole completion tools and fluids. We also provide customer machining services to help reduce your cost.

To provide innovative materials that will enable the next generation of Downhole Tools.